
Introducing the 8B, a NEW bus service between Bramford and Ipswich

We are pleased to announce that starting on 15th April, we will be introducing a new bus service between Bramford and Ipswich.


The 8B will create a great new link between the villages of Bramford and Sproughton and the employment areas of Eastern Gateway and Farthing Road Industrial Estate to the town of Ipswich, operating hourly, from 7am to 7 pm on Mondays to Saturdays.


The new service will receive a proportion of Suffolk County Council Bus Service Improvement Plan Plus (BSIP+) funding provided by the UK Government,


Route & Timetable


The route map and timetable of the 8B can be viewed by clicking here.


From Bramford – The service will circle Bramford along Gipping Way, Fraser Road, Acton Road the Street (B1067), and Fitzgerald Road before proceeding down the Lorraine Way (B1113) to Sproughton. In Sproughton the service will turn onto Lower Street and then onto Sproughton Road. The service will then pass Eastern GatewayFarthing Road Industrial EstateMorrisons and Aldi before turning onto Bramford Road (B1067) and into Ipswich Town Centre, calling at Tower Ramparts and The Old Cattle Market bus interchanges.


From Ipswich Town Centre – The service will operate the same route in reverse, calling at both the old Cattle Market & Tower Ramparts bus interchanges and leaving Ipswich Town Centre via Bramford Road (B1067). The service will turn onto Sproughton Road, pass AldiMorrisonsFarthing Road Industrial Estate and Eastern Gateway, before joining Lower Street and arriving at Sproughton. The service will then turn onto Lorraine Way (B1113), onto Fitzgerald Road and complete the circle of Bramford (via Gipping Way, Fraser Road, Acton Road and The Street (B1067)


The route map and timetable of the 8B can be viewed by clicking here.




Fares information can be viewed by clicking here.


The service is included in our ‘Town’ fares zone, with no single journey costing more than £2.00, and no return journey costing more than £3.70. Travel for those under 20 is offered at a reduced rate.


Day ticket options allowing customers to use, and connect to all Ipswich Buses services across an entire day are also available.


Period products and multi-journey products offering unlimited travel over periods of 7 days, 28 days, 6 months and a year which offer improved value per journey for regular users are also available to customers.


Customers will be able to purchase tickets on the bus, on our app, or in our Travel Shop with cash, their card or with Apple/Google Pay.


Fares information can be viewed by clicking here.


For further information on the 8B please email info@ipswichbuses.co.uk, call us on 01473 344 800 or drop by our travel shop at Tower Ramparts Bus Station.


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