Please see the information below on popular questions to Ipswich Buses. If you cannot find what you are looking for please call our Enquiry Office during office hours on 0800 919390.

Details of our prices can be found at the following link: Tickets & Fares

Smartcards are pre-paid cards available on routes 20 and under that can be used to save money when you are planning on making multiple journeys.

Good news – you can still get our great value child fare, to get this discount you will need to have photo ID to show the driver. Please remember that we only accept either the Buses ID card or an Endeavour card as valid forms of ID.

When your child turns 5 years of age.

There is no fare for guide dogs. Additionally, birds, cats and other small animals carried in cages/carriers and on a passenger’s lap will be allowed to travel free of charge.

View our network maps or download our mobile app to view bus stops and route information. 

Family tickets are valid all day every day with no time restrictions.

You can use your smartcard on all services and bus stops as long as it is valid for the Zone you are travelling in.

To provide a clean, healthy and safe environment for all customers and to comply with the law Ipswich Buses operates a No Smoking policy on it’s vehicles.

No. To provide a clean, healthy, and safe environment for all customers and to comply with the law Ipswich Buses operates a No Smoking policy on all our vehicles, including electronic “vaporizing” devices.

Ideally, we would prefer you not to eat or drink on the bus, as it can cause a mess. Hot food, or food with a strong smell, is only allowed on board if fully wrapped.

For the safety of our drivers and to improve boarding times for our passengers, we will no longer give out cash refunds.

No, the drivers will not give out any cash refunds or credits vouchers if you pay too much for your fare on the Town buses on services 1 to 16 from the 31st March 2019

Yes, you can still use cash on the bus. We do ask that you use the exact fare as no cash refunds or credit vouchers will be issued. For example, if your fare is £1.60, and you put £2.00 into the hopper you will not receive a 40p cash refund or a 40p credit voucher.


We offer great value products to make travelling on our buses quicker and easier. Did you know that you can pay for your single, transfer, returns, day and family tickets with contactless payment on board all our buses?
For passengers that don’t use our buses as frequently, we offer a 10 -trip smartcard card and app product which has no expiry date – each time you do a journey it will take a trip off. For our more frequent passengers we offer, 7-day, 28-day, 6-months and annual passes, that allow you to travel on an unlimited basis for the selected period of time. See our Tickets page for more information.

Please refer to our conditions of carriage.